Since its creation in 2011, the Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies (CNODES) has built a network of over 100 scientists to ensure the safety and effectiveness of drugs for Canadians. CNODES has obtained access to administrative healthcare data on millions of medication users across Canada and internationally. CNODES uses state of the art methods of observational research, as well as rapid-response studies using semi-automated tools and a common data model (CDM) for standardized analyses.

Current Publications

Exposure to Valsartan Products Containing Nitrosamine Impurities in the United States, Canada, and Denmark Eworuke E, Shinde MU, Hou L, et al. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2024 Sep;33(9):e5849.
Risk of Arterial and Venous Thrombotic Events Among Patients with COVID-19: A Multi-National Collaboration of Regulatory Agencies from Canada, Europe, and United States Lo Re Iii V, Cocoros NM, Hubbard RA, et al. Clin Epidemiol. 2024 Feb 10;16:71-89.
Prescription ranitidine use and population exposure in 6 Canadian provinces, 1996 to 2019: a serial cross-sectional analysis Levy AR, Stock D, Paterson JM, et al. CMAJ Open. 2023;11(6):E1033-E1040.
Validity of diagnoses of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Canadian administrative health data: a multiprovince, population-based cohort study Lix LM, Renoux C, Moriello C, et al. CMAJ Open. 2023;11(5):E790-E798.

Project Findings

Association Between Opioid Use and the Development of Diverticulitis
Manuscript in preparation
Use of Oral Fluoroquinolones in Canada: A Drug Utilization Study Update
Manuscript in preparation
Intentional Self-Harm with GLP-1 Receptor Agonists for Diabetes
Safety of Monitoring During Use of Ozempic in People with Diabetes: A CDM Pilot Project


CNODES Virtual Seminar

June 1, 2022
Medication use in pregnancy: what can we really learn from real world evidence?

CNODES Virtual Seminar

May 11, 2022
Real-world data and cancer research in North Carolina: An introduction to the UNC Cancer Information and Population Health Resource (CIPHR)

CNODES Virtual Seminar

April 13, 2022
Opportunities & challenges of using Common Data Model in Europe: Experiences from BPE with SNDS French data. Presentation of ConcePTION CDM

CNODES Virtual Seminar

March 9, 2022
Surveillance of Adverse Infant Outcomes Following Maternal Medication Use During Pregnancy Using Tree-Based Scan Statistics