
The CNODES network of researchers, trainees, and analysts conduct studies using administrative healthcare data in response to queries from Canadian regulators. The results of these studies are published in open-access academic journals. CNODES also publishes a selection of its methodological advances, knowledge translation initiatives, and trainee projects.

Faillie JL, Yu OH, Yin H, Hillaire-Buys D, Barkun A, Azoulay L. Association of Bile Duct and Gallbladder Diseases With the Use of Incretin-Based Drugs in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. JAMA Intern Med. 2016 Oct 1;176(10):1474-1481.

Renoux C, Shin JY, Dell’Aniello S, Fergusson E, Suissa S. Prescribing Trends of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medications in UK Primary Care, 1995-2015. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2016 Sep;82(3):858-68.

Renoux C, Dell’Aniello S, Khairy P, Marras, C, Bugden S, Turin T, Blais L, Tamim H, Evans C, Steele R, Dormuth C, Ernst P, CNODES Investigators. Ventricular tachyarrhythmia and sudden cardiac death with domperidone use in Parkinson’s Disease.Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2016 Aug;82(2):461-72.

Henry D, Dormuth C, Winquist B, Carney G, Bugden S, Teare G, Lévesque LE, Bérard A, Paterson JM, Platt RW. Occurrence of pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes during isotretinoin therapy. CMAJ. 2016 Jul 12;188(10):723-30

Pang M, Schuster T, Filion K, Eberg M, Platt RW. Targeted maximum likelihood estimation for pharmacoepidemiological research. Epidemiology. 2016 Jul;27(4):570-7.

Rothfus M, Sketris IS, Traynor R, Helwig M, Stewart SA. Measuring knowledge translation uptake using citation metrics: A case study of a pan-Canadian network of pharmacoepidemiology researchers. Science & Technology Libraries. 2016 Jun; 35(3): 228-240.

Platt RW, Dormuth CR, Chateau D, Filion K. Observational Studies of Drug Safety in Multi-Database Studies: Methodological Challenges and Opportunities. EGEMS (Wash DC). 2016 May 18;4(1):1221.

Filion KB, Suissa S. DPP-4 inhibitors and heart failure: Some reassurance, some uncertainty. Diabetes Care 2016 May; 39(5):735–737. [Invited Commentary].

Bilandzic A, Fitzpatrick T, Rosella L, Henry D. Risk of bias in systematic reviews of non-randomized studies of adverse cardiovascular effects of thiazolidinediones and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors: application of a new Cochrane risk of bias tool. PLoS medicine. 2016 Apr 5;13(4):e1001987.

Abrahamowicz M, Bjerre LM, Beauchamp ME, LeLorier J, Burne R. The missing cause approach to unmeasured confounding in pharmacoepidemiology. Stat Med. 2016 Mar 30;35(7):1001-16.