Knowledge Translation Team Overview

The Knowledge Translation (KT) Team develops strategies to communicate actionable messages to government partners and other CNODES stakeholders, and shares its innovative KT methods.


Knowledge translation is a critical part of CNODES’ work. As the World Health Organization (WHO) explains(1), “knowledge derived from research and experience may be of little value unless it is put into practice.” CNODES uses and adapts the KT approaches developed by the Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network (DSEN)(2) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)(3).

Integrated knowledge translation

CNODES has also adopted a strategy for integrated knowledge translation, by involving key stakeholders such as provincial drug regulators, drug benefit funders, and clinicians throughout CNODES research projects. These stakeholder partners provide their clinical, policy and technical expertise at key points in the CNODES research process, including refining the research question, designing the scientific protocol, and interpreting and contextualizing results. They are also involved in additional knowledge translation efforts, helping to package and deliver the results to their target knowledge users. These collaborative partnerships are expected to produce research findings that are more likely to be relevant to and ultimately used by the involved stakeholders.

Impact of CNODES findings

CNODES research has been cited in publications from over 30 countries worldwide. Using Dormuth et al. 2013(4) as an example, the top three nations citing this research are Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom (shown in dark blue above.).