Semi-Annual Meeting

    CNODES Semi-Annual Meeting

    November 4-5, 2019

    Your Full Name

    Your E-mail

    CNODES Site/Province

    Have you booked your hotel?

    Hotel Information

    INN AT LAUREL POINT - Victoria, BC
    680 Montreal Street , Victoria, British Columbia, V8V 1Z8


    We have a room block available for $139/night + taxes.
    This rate is guaranteed until Monday October 7, 2019.

    Please make your reservation by:
    - phone: 1-800-663-7667 or 250-386-8721 (Use group code CNODES Semi-annual meeting when making your reservation) or
    - email:
    - online : BookYourStayHere

    Additional Information

    - The Inn at laurel Point is located in the heart of downtown Victoria, just 35 minutes from the Victoria International Airport.
    - Travel and accommodation expenses for CNODES events will be reimbursed through your respective sites. For additional information please contact your site lead.

    Monday November 4, 2019

    All meetings will take place at the INN AT LAUREL POINT - Victoria, BC





    7:30 am



    8:30 am - 10:30 am

    Project Team Meeting
    Q19-05: Hydrochlorothiazide Team Meeting

    Project Team Members Only
    Site Investigators are encouraged to attend

    10:30 am - 10:45 am

    Coffee Break


    10:45 am - 12:00 pm

    Common Data Model Working Group Meeting

    Team Members Only
    Site Investigators are encouraged to attend

    12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

    Special Lunch Presentation!

    “Assessing the Performance of High Dimensional Propensity Scores in a Pharmacoepidemiology Setting”
    Led by: Naomi Hamm, University of Manitoba


    1:15 pm - 2:30 pm

    CNODES Lecture

    “Bayesian Analysis of Epidemiological Data with Multiple Predictor Variables”
    Led by: Lawrence McCandless, Simon Fraser University


    2:30 pm - 2:45 pm

    Coffee Break


    2:45 pm - 4:00 pm

    Knowledge Translation Team Meeting

    Team Members Only
    Site Investigators are encourages to attend

    4:00 pm - 5:15 pm

    Training Team Meeting

    Team Members Only
    Site Investigators are encourages to attend

    5:15 pm - 6:30 pm

    If you’re still in town, meet us at Aura situated in the main lobby!


    Tuesday November 5, 2019

    All meetings will take place at the INN AT LAUREL POINT - Victoria, BC





    8:00 am



    9:00 am - 10:30 am

    Analyst Workshop

    “Introduction to R: Fundamentals and Data Manipulation”
    Led by: Kathryn Morrison, McGill University

    If attending, please complete this survey:


    10:30 am - 10:45 am

    Coffee Break


    10:45 am - 12:00 pm

    Analyst Workshop (continued)

    “Introduction to R: Fundamentals and Data Manipulation”
    Led by: Kathryn Morrison, McGill University


    12:00 pm - 1:00 pm



    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Analyst Session

    “Good Programming Practices (GPP)”
    Led by: Sophie Dell’Aniello, CNODES Analyst Group Coordinator

    During this Analyst Session on Good Programming Practices (GPP), we will be using a collaborative approach to discuss and share the best practices used by CNODES members in their daily work. We ask all analysts to please send a few points (1-2 slides) briefly describing your GPPs. This could include anything from project organization, to SAS programming, naming convention, commenting, versioning or archiving... This session is a great opportunity to learn from each other, so please do not hold back and send your GPPs by October 15th to Sophie Dell’Aniello at

    Analysts Only

    Concurrent Session

    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Steering Committee Meeting

    SC Members Only

    Concurrent Session

    3:00 pm - 3:15 pm

    Coffee Break


    3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

    Steering Committee Meeting (continued)

    SC Members Only


    *Breakfast, Lunch and Coffee Breaks will be served

    Wednesday November 6, 2019





    8:00 am - 4:00 pm

    Analyst Training Program Working Session

    Led by: Dana Stanley, CNODES Training Team Coordinator

    This 1-day collaborative working session is devoted to the development of the Analyst Training Program (ATP), and is open to analysts and members of the ATP Development Team. Participants will be presented with the training modules that have been developed thus far, and will have the opportunity to peer review the content and provide feedback on the format. Topics that will be reviewed include: Administrative Health Data, SAS Programming, Good Programming Practice, Cohort Creation, Propensity Scores, and CNODES Policy & Procedures. CNODES analysts should inform their Site Leads of their registration to this session. For additional information please contact Dana Stanley at

    Analysts and Trainees

    8:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Antimicrobial Workshop

    Session to be confirmed. Please register to confirm your interest in attending this session. Additional information will follow.

    Led by: Ingrid Sketris, CNODES KT Team Lead

    Decisionmakers, health leaders, healthcare practitioners, researchers, and educators working in public health, formulary management, infectious disease, and antimicrobial stewardship are invited to learn about recent CNODES antimicrobial research and discuss antimicrobial prescribing in BC, both in light of this research and the federal framework on antimicrobial resistance and use.

    Steering Committee and KT Team Members Only

    Confidentiality Agreement

    I agree to keep strictly confidential all the results presented, the discussions held, and the decisions taken at the CNODES meetings held in Victoria, BC; November 4-5, 2019.

    Release Form for CNODES

    I approve releaseI refuse release