Applying Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation to Pharmacoepidemiology

Applying Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation to Pharmacoepidemiology

Applying Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation to Pharmacoepidemiology


Analyst session: Following the lecture on Targeted Learning by Mireille Schnitzer, Menglan Pang provides concrete examples of how to apply TMLE in a study.

After learning the theories and assumptions of targeted learning (see lecture by Mireille Schnitzer), this presentation focuses on the technical implementation of targeted maximum likelihood estimation (TMLE). This talk is intended for analysts, but will give all viewers a more concrete understanding of the TMLE procedure.
This talk by CNODES analyst Menglan Pang covers the following sections:
• Step-by-step description of TMLE procedure
• Implementation of TMLE using SAS
• Double robustness of TMLE: A simulation study
• Application of TMLE on a real study
• Discussion